LIMMUD FSU Recharge Presenters 2016

What is Limmud? What are the Principles? Also, learn some of our History and more.

Gidi Grinstein Serial Social Entrepreneur


Gidi Grinstein is a serial social entrepreneur who has worked across a broad range of areas for the past twenty years. He is the author of Flexigidity: The Secret of Jewish Adaptability and the founder of the Reut Institute, a platform for dealing with major challenges facing Israeli society. Reut's key initiatives include the ISRAEL 15 Vision for economic development; the TOM and XLN initiatives to use technology to address social problems; the Firewall initiative to fight the BDS Movement and Smart Com to work on the 21st-century community. Gidi has also led on electoral reform and worked in the Bureau of the Prime Minister as the Secretary of the Israeli Delegation for the negotiations with the PLO during the Camp David Summit of 2000. He is also very proud of founding the group that designed the Birthright Israel program. The vision of Israel as a model society of inclusive prosperity and vibrant and resilient communities which makes a significant contribution to humanity is his inspiration. He is a graduate of Tel-Aviv University schools of Law and Economics and of Harvard Kennedy School of Government as a Wexner Israel Fellow. He enjoys long-distance running, is married and is a father to five children.