LIMMUD FSU Recharge Presenters 2016

What is Limmud? What are the Principles? Also, learn some of our History and more.

Anya Azrelyan RSJ Community lay leader, Co-Cair of the RAJMN Project, theatrical producer, writer and a pianist


Anya Azrelyan was born in Ukraine. Her music education and passion for classical music allowed her to become a piano performer and a music teacher.
Anna moved to St. Paul just in time to drastically change her life direction.
In Minneapolis, she changed her passion for a different career path and became a software engineer.

Since then, Anna is balancing on the edge of the technical and artistic world.
Anna has been an active volunteer at RAJMN since 2003. Currently serves as a Co-Chair of the RAJMN Project.

She directed several Purim Shpills with adults and kids, Hanukah Shpill, plays in a local community theater and just loves to organize all kinds of events in RSJ community.