LIMMUD FSU Recharge Presenters 2022
What is Limmud? What are the Principles? Also, learn some of our History and more.
Tamir Zaltsman Mystic, poet, musician and storyteller

Tamir Zaltsman was born in Kiev, Ukraine and led there a famous rock-band "The Final Warning" (which gave a start-up to now renown Ukrainian singer Alena Vinnitskaya).
After aliyah (repatriation) to Israel Tamir served as engineer and officer in Israel Defense Forces.
For 8 years Tamir studied Jewish psychology, law and philosophy, and served as an assistant researcher at "The Human Workshop" (Torah Center for Spiritual Guidance), helping many Russian-speaking repatriates to solve their various life challenges.
Since 2004 Tamir has resided with his family in Brooklyn, New York, and he is involved in many Jewish educational projects in the Russian-speaking community. One of the last projects was a UJA initiative to support the victims of Hurricane Sandy with emotional and spiritual care, which was done through The Jewish Board Dual-respond program.
He is an ordained Rabbi and Maggid, published a book of poetry and a musical CD, and a founder of "Avraham's Light" organization that aims to promote peace and unity for all of humanity.
“U’maase yadeynu conenehu” - Taking ourselves towards the meaningful action
The world as we know it is a mesmerizing bland of actions, events and meanings. Let’s together take a journey into the very midst of this magic, and explore what makes the connection between Actions and Words into the scene for all our life happenings.
Particularly, we’ll delve into the splendid world of “The Jewish Talking Hands' '. We’ll unfold together the hidden gems of meaning in Hamsa, cohens’ blessing, “big finger”, and other “mudras” (finger gestures) in Jewish thought, practice and ritual.
Interactive presentation, followed by the meditation session.