LIMMUD FSU Recharge Presenters 2019

What is Limmud? What are the Principles? Also, learn some of our History and more.

Virag Gulyas The Almost Jewish


Virag Gulyas is an international relations expert and currently pursuing her second Master’s degree in Jewish Studies at Touro College, Manhattan.

As a woman who admits she grew up as an anti-Semite, today she writes and speaks about her journey and is well-known for her raw honest blog, The Almost Jewish, both in the U.S. and in Israel. As a loud pro-Israel voice, a Hungarian, and a non-Jewish Zionist, she has created a movement that aims to change the stereotypes about Israel and the Jewish people one day at a time.

She has been working on several high-profile educational and PR campaigns that helped to outburst the bubble of false narratives around Israel and pointing a finger on the falsification of history led by Palestinian Arab propaganda work (backed up by such organizations as the U.N.)

Speaker at IAC National Conference, World Magshimey-Herut.

Featured in Israel News Talk, The Times of Israel, The Jerusalem Post, Israellycool, JewishPress, Aish. com and Hungary's major media outlets. Read her articles here!

Worked with such organizations as Artists4Israel, The Lawfare Project, Human Rights Voices, LiberateArt, Aish HaTorah, Americans for Safe Israel and people such as Ben-Dror Yemini, Ari Fuld (who lost his life in the recent terror attack in Israel), or the former Mossad agent, Avner Avraham.