LIMMUD FSU Recharge Presenters 2022
What is Limmud? What are the Principles? Also, learn some of our History and more.
Itamar Sternberg WZO representative

Itamar Sternberg was born in Uruguay and made Aliyah to Israel with his family in 1972, where he grew up. Lives in Zikhron Ya'akov, married and father of 3. He holds a BA in Middle Eastern History from Tel Aviv University, a MA in Political Science from the University of Haifa, and currently is a preliminary research student in the Department of Maritime Civilizations at the University of Haifa. He also holds a teaching certificate from the Beit Berl College, and specialization in Israeli cultural studies from Hartman Institute.
In 2010, Itamar retired after 26 years of military service in the Israeli Navy, in the rank of colonel. For the past 10 years, Itamar has been involved in teaching, education and heritage preservation. Between 2016-2018, Itamar served as the representative of the World Zionist Organization’s management in Latin America.
The new variant of Antisemitism
The pandemic has changed the face of Antisemitism as we have known it so far, and has accordingly raised critical and new questions about the ways to combat it. The interactive session will discuss new points about the connection between pandemic's Antisemitism, how the the virus has affected global trends, and what solutions are available to us today.