LIMMUD FSU Recharge Presenters 2022
What is Limmud? What are the Principles? Also, learn some of our History and more.
Alina Bas Strategy consultant, researcher, author, and a certified executive coach

Alina Bas, MA, PhD Candidate, is a strategy consultant, researcher, author, and a certified executive coach based in greater New York City. She coaches leaders in tech, healthcare and financial industries on advancing under the conditions of uncertainty. Alina has extensive corporate experience in Organizational and Leadership Development. She presented in front of audiences at MIT Sloan, Google, Facebook, The Garrison Institute, and Academy of Management. Her clients are changing the world at Facebook, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, United Nations, Credit Suisse, and American Council on Education. Alina holds a Master’s degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from NYU, and is pursuing a PhD at the University of Strathclyde Business School. She is a published author of a book, co-author of a journal paper, 3 book chapters, and numerous conference papers. Contact: Website:
Intuition: Myths, Science, and Practice
Can intuition be trained to deliver on cue creative insights for complex challenges? In this innovative workshop, we will debunk common myths about intuition, and talk about practical applications of the latest academic research on intuition. We will cover strategies to help you:
-Boost likelihood of out-of-the-box solutions, and generate more “aha!” moments
-Retrieve information not accessible through analysis
-Advance under the conditions of uncertainty
-Read and influence situations by employing sensory awareness